Ziglar Family

We're excited about what's coming this fall with Ziglar Family!

With Father's Day just around the corner, I'm reminded of how great it will be to see Dad's timeless wisdom applied in a fresh, relevant way for families all over the world.

Dad believed not only that everyone born into this world of ours was born to win, but also that families were designed to win, as well.

How do I find my purpose?

Dear Friend,

I get the question, "How do I find my purpose in life?" almost every week. Here are three questions that can help you determine your purpose:

What are you most passionate about? The thing that you do that makes your heart sing.

What are you transferring?

I have a confession to make. I have about as much facial expression as a rock. My face "excited" and my face "sad" look almost the same, which is to say they both look like more normal face.

On the other side of the coin, Conia Wright, who is one of our team members, has facial expressions that put the bright lights of the billboards in Times Square in New York City to shame.


Dear Friend,

The scene: Small town in Mississippi, middle of the Great Depression, year 1933.

The atmosphere: almost everyone was poor, everyone helped each other, racial prejudice ruled the day for most people.

Main character: Widowed mother of 12 with a 5th grade education.

Show #395: Q&A Show: Deciding which idea to pursue and hard work is…hard

Beverly asks, “I love to do so many different things. How do I decide which one to take the BIG step into?” Then Robin in Mississippi says, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying how STUPID the cliché is, ‘If you do what you love you’ll never work another day in your life.’ I love my work, but I work my backside off. I’m a nurse. I work at hospice. Everyone dies.” Tune in, as we deeply unpack these two topics.

What, How, and Why

Dear Friend,

I get a lot of feedback and questions from people concerning “what” they do for a living. Sometimes they are looking for advice on if they should change their job or career path. Sometimes they don’t feel that “what” they do is meaningful.

The “A” word

Dear Friend,


Yes, that is the “A” word.

We all need accountability. Yet almost no one likes it.

Few things are more important to success than accountability.

The why behind the why

Dear Friend,

What is your motive?
What do you really want?
What are you hoping to achieve?
Why do you want to achieve that?

In sales we call this the why behind the why.
If a client asks us to do a two-day sales training class for their team, we ask them what results they are looking for.

A story to tell

We all have a story to tell.

Are you sharing your story?

The story we tell ourselves is the one that determines if we will share our story, and what we will share.

What story are you telling yourself?
I can or I can’t?
I wish or I will?
I will do it now, or I will do it later?
Nobody cares, or someone is counting on me?

You get the picture.

If you aim at nothing…

Dear Laurie,

“If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.” Zig Ziglar

What are you aiming at?

Is it written down?

Will what you’re aiming at change your life? Start a wave? Help build your legacy?

Go ahead.

The ultimate sacrifice

Today is Memorial Day in the United States. Today is the day we remember and honor the men and women who gave their lives while serving our country in the military.

Blown Away

Dear Friend,

I got well over 100 responses from you on the question I asked a little over a week ago. The question: What is the number one lesson you learned in life?

Many of you asked to hear what our Zignificance readers said, so here you go – just a small sample, with more coming tomorrow!

#1- Rejection is often Redirection.