She was black, a divorced high-school dropout, living in a public housing project in Paducah, Kentucky, with four children under eight. The mother was in a seemingly hopeless situation. However, a wise man once said there are no hopeless situations, only some people who lose hope in their situation.
A Will and A Dream

In his publication, "Better Families," Dr. J. Allan Petersen tells of an experiment conducted by a psychologist friend, Dr. Lacy Hall. Dr. Hall worked with a large number of people to determine the percentage of input into a human brain in the course of a day which was positive and what percentage was negative.
This is Important
Show #309: Building Trust – with John Lee Dumas

The principles of building trust don't change. But the vehicle and strategy of how you do it in today's online
To find out the keys to success here, we simply sought out one of the best: John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire fame. John is hands down one of the most prolific and influential voices in business today.
Trouble Can Help

Somebody once said that success without adversity is not only empty, it is not possible. One of my favorite observations is that the only way to the mountaintop is through the valley, and in most cases, a series of valleys. I think of one of the greatest books ever written, Pilgrim's Progress, written by John Bunyan during a six-month imprisonment in Bedford Jail.
Phenomenal Direct Advertising
Direct Advertising is when you place an advertisement to reach your end user client. Phenomenal Direct Advertising is when you generate your perfect niche prospect. A Phenomenal Direct Advertising System duplicates results consistently.
Show #316: Zig on self-employment

For those of you who are self-employed…and those who desire it, I’ve got a treat for you. Below is a 7-minute interview with Zig on self-employment. You can listen to the audio, or watch the video clip. The interview was with…me, Kevin Miller. It happened in July 2010.
The topic of self-employment is actually why I work with Ziglar today and host this show.

You can take these letters and make them say "no where," or rearrange them and they will say "now here." I'm talking about opportunity in America today. There are some who say it is "no where," but many others are saying opportunity is "now here." Needless to say, I agree with the latter because 80% of the millionaires in America today are first-generation millionaires.
The Phenomenal Potential Lifetime Value (PLV) of a Client

In his book
The Facts of Business Life, my friend Bill McBean says a business owner’s first responsibility is to protect its assets. Not just the assets on the balance sheet, but your database as well. My good friend and marketing master David Frey says, “The money is in the list!” Not just the number of people on the list, but the quality of the list.