Do I have to?

I remember my early teenage years. Boy, did I love to sleep!

Like most teenagers, I was a professional sleeper!

Sunday morning would roll around and at 7:30 a.m., Dad would come in and wake me up.

“Son, it’s time to get up and get ready for church.

The Number One Lesson

Dear Friend,

Think of all the things in life you have learned. What would you say is the number one lesson you learned?

Here is mine:

"What you feed your mind determines your appetite." Tom Ziglar

I took this from Dad’s quote:

"You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind.

The Home Court Advantage

Dear Friend,

Have you noticed that when two teams are playing and they are evenly matched that the home team wins more than 50% of the time? That is the home court advantage.

Having a great relationship with your spouse and with your kids is also an advantage.

They Grow Up So Fast

Dear Friend,

I remember it like it was yesterday. My daughter, Alexandra, had just celebrated her ninth birthday. We had a party with her friends and the day of cake, and presents, and fun, was almost done.

I was putting her to bed, telling her a story about Wally the Weasel, our imaginary super­hero friend.

What’s Your Mission in Life?

Dear Friend,

What is your mission in life? Have you taken time to think about it?

In my experience, most people don’t. They never take the time to think it through. Or, if they do, they don’t commit and declare their mission.

Stepping Up

Dear Friend,

It is time to step up.

Are you ready?
Are people asking you to step up?
Are you expected to step up?
Are you afraid to step up?

It is time to step up.

What is holding you back?
What could go wrong?
What could go right?

It is time to step up.

Show #377: Fear not. But how?

I hope you had a blessed Easter, and to honor the occasion, we’re going to listen to a clip from Zig on…faith.

Zig was an outspoken Christian, but as he did with all things, he shared from a heart of love that nobody could deny. Which gained him respect from people of all types of faith.

Your takeaway today is twofold.

Show #371: How to speak the truth into life

Today we’re going to talk about admitting we have some skills and stopping thinking small.

Nothing is gained by minimizing ourselves. Nothing. I think we use humility and self deprecation as a cop out. I said “we”, as I’ve fallen into this trap.

Show #346: You must see more in yourself

Folks, there is no one on the planet who is immune to needing this message. It’s impossible. We are all victims of our own narrow views of ourselves and limitations. Some have drastic limitations, some have mild, albeit subversive, erosions that handicap their efforts.

Show #332: Reprogramming your reality

Welcome to the Ziglar Show, where the goal is simple. To inspire your best, your full, your true…performance. We’re not here for entertainment. We’re here for you and your legacy. We’re here to help you make your life better. I’m your host Kevin Miller and today, Tom Ziglar and I bring you a long awaited show, “Reprograming your reality.