Sounds like a headline that will get shot down, doesn’t it? Guest Bob Burg, bestselling author of The Go-Giver, talks us through this controversial statement and issue and helps us understand the subtle difference between being a go-getter and a Go-Giver.
Show #340: Does how many you serve equal how much you make?
Applying the Four D’s
Show #348: How have you been programmed?
Balance is the Key

A past issue of Psychology Today detailed a study of 1,139 CEOs of the Fortune 2,000 companies. Their average income was $356,000, which is not surprising. However, one thing that will surprise many people is to learn that these high achievers' number one priority was their family and their number one asset was their integrity.
Holiday Motivation Package
Motivation Package
How to Stay Motivated – Volumes I, II, and III (CD) with the Performance Planner
It’s Zig Ziglar’s all-time best-selling program on Attitude, Motivation, Goal Setting, Self-Image, Character, and Personal Development.
See You At The Top – 25th Anniversary Edition (Book)
It’s the 25th Anniversary Edition, and stresses the importance of honesty, loyalty, faith, integrity, and strong personal character.
Zig Ziglar’s Little Book of Big Quotes (Book)
From one of the most quoted leaders of the century.
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Practice Cutting Nets
Show #347: Is there Godly aspiration and ambition?

Folks, today I bring you show number 347 and the title is “Is there Godly aspiration and ambition?” And we have a special guest. A guest who I’m intimidated by. Why? Because my dad, Dan Miller of “48 Days To The Work You Love Fame,” says this guy is, and I quote, “The best interviewer I’ve ever seen.
You’ve Failed, Now Sit Down

Most parents experience the joy of watching their children turn over, then crawl, then stand up and then take those first steps. With outstretched arms they stand two or three steps away and encourage the little one to come to them. Chances are about three trillion to one that when the baby falls down the parent is not going to say, "O.k., you had your chance - you blew it! So don't you ever try to walk again!" That's absurd, but isn't it equally absurd to think we can accomplish major things in our lives without experiencing some reversals of some kind? We all need to remember that failure is an event, not a person, that success is a process and not just an instant happening.
Show #346: You must see more in yourself

Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try.
Develop your confidence by planning, preparing and expecting to win:
Show #345: Are you a motivation junkie, or action taker?

You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.
Discover what Zig has to say about success:
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