John Maxwell, one of the top leadership authorities in America, says that most people would rather work on their personality than on their character, and how right he is. Perhaps that is because the personality development brings more immediate rewards, is less demanding and, in most cases, involves little sacrifice on our part.
Show #315: The 12 inches to success
Show 314: Positive thinking won’t let you do anything
Show #313: Sales and people’s perspectives with their priorities

*Thank you to all Ziglar Podcast listeners! You're advocacy has landed "The Ziglar Show" solidly in the Top 10 Business Podcasts in iTunes, and for the week of April 6, 2015 we spent over a day at #7 amidst Dave Ramsey, Michael Hyatt and John Lee Dumas.
The Comfort Zone

My 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary says that comfort is "relief from pain; ease; rest or moderate pleasure after pain, cold or distress or uneasiness of body." The basic problem, too many people seek a comfort level where there is no pain or discomfort. The reality is that what you're able to accomplish in life is determined by the number of times you leave your "comfort zone" to take on new challenges even though you know you're going to experience some pain, grief, or even a failure.
Show #310: Buying & Selling Lessons from Zig

In this show we played an 18 minute clip from Zig with no commentary...just straight Buying & Selling 101 from a world leader in the psychology of everyday commerce.
Zig takes you through a few key stories, including his personal car buying transaction which he disects in a way we can plainly see and learn from.