In my lifetime I have never heard anyone disagree with the observation that people build business, so when we build people we build business. At our company, once each quarter we have our "People Builders Meeting” to recognize outstanding employees for significant contributions they have made during the previous quarter.
People Build Business
Acting vs. Being

When I was a kid I used to watch a lot of TV. My parents parked me there because they both had to work, my two older sisters had no interest in me, and babysitters were expensive. Regardless of all that, they just didn't have the money. The Internet had not yet been invented and games were played by two people in the same room at a table with a board, dice, and pieces you'd move around that board.
Show #375: Being you is your only shot
#385: Winning relationships start here
Show #376: You are either doing it. Or choosing to wait

Hey, Ziglar audience, thank you for being with me today. And, wow, I’ve got to say a specific thanks to all who have left us raving iTunes reviews in just the past two days in response to the two shows on marriage I did with my wife, Teri. You have blessed us for sure, but I’m mainly just grateful that the content was of value.
Show #374: It’s all about respect

Ziglar friends, just two days ago I posted a Ziglar Show and the topic was…marriage. One of Zig’s foundational focal points for ultimate success -- but one I haven’t given much attention to in these podcasts. That show, #373, has resulted in a significant increase in downloads, more than most of our shows.
Show #377: Fear not. But how?

I hope you had a blessed Easter, and to honor the occasion, we’re going to listen to a clip from Zig on…faith.
Zig was an outspoken Christian, but as he did with all things, he shared from a heart of love that nobody could deny. Which gained him respect from people of all types of faith.
Your takeaway today is twofold.
Show #384: Kyle Wilson and the power of immersion
What You Know vs. What You Show
Raising fully functional kids
Show #371: How to speak the truth into life
Idleness or Leisure?

My trusty 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary says that idleness is "abstinence from labor or employment; the state of doing nothing; aversion to labor; reluctance to be employed or to exertion, either of body or mind; sloth; sluggishness." Idleness is often the effect of laziness and sometimes this word may be used for it.
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