A story to tell

A story to tell

We all have a story to tell.

Are you sharing your story?

The story we tell ourselves is the one that determines if we will share our story, and what we will share.

What story are you telling yourself?
I can or I can’t?
I wish or I will?
I will do it now, or I will do it later?
Nobody cares, or someone is counting on me?

You get the picture.
The story you tell yourself determines what you will do.
Telling yourself the right story changes everything.

Telling yourself the right story will allow you to become an amazing storyteller. A storyteller whose stories will help others tell the right stories about themselves. The story you tell yourself will shape and determine your legacy.

You have a story to tell. Tell it well.

If you tell stories as a speaker we can help you. Check out our
Ziglar Speakers Institute. We have a few spots left in our
upcoming class. Learn about it here.

I did a webinar with Jason Frenn and we talked about the keys
to giving a great speech and telling powerful stories. Click here to get the free download.

You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live to Win!
