
Show #447: Revisited: Zig on increasing your hope!

If hope is not the most important factor of success, it is at least the first step and foundation. Without hope we either don’t ever take action, or we take weak action that does not produce success. With hope, we achieve astounding things. So, here you go, start your New Year off with the first step in your quest for success, however you define it. Thanks to Blue Apron and ZipRecruiter for supporting this episode!

Show #446: Rewrite your story with Owen Fitzpatrick

Owen Fitzpatrick walks us through the tangible realities of changing our perspective and story from victim to overcomer. He shares as a psychologist, therapist, and coach, but also from his own hard story. His recent TEDx talk, “Mind Control: How to Win the War in Your Head,” has had over 50,000 views in the first month as he delivers an entertaining, yet poignant, 10-minute talk. This is foundational personal development for inspiring true performance.

The Perfect Start

I had an amazing January 1 by working on my goals - over four hours of deep thought about what I want to accomplish. I get organized just by thinking about it!

I thought I would share with you one of the goals I set for myself. This is a goal I am committed to doing daily.

First Impressions

"It is not the brains that matter most, but that which guides them - the character, the heart, generous qualities, progressive ideas" - Dostoevski

Several years ago, I had a lengthy delay in the Pittsburgh airport so I headed for the shoe shine stand where two young men worked.

This is it

This is it.
Your time to reflect.
Here are a few questions to ponder:
How did 2016 go?
What victories did you have?
What challenges did you overcome?
What could you have done better?

Permission granted

Sometimes all we need is permission.

Here you go – you have my permission:

To go for it.
To reach for the stars.
To stick to it.
To hold that door.
To go the extra mile.
To expect the best.
To return rudeness with love.

Yes YOU Can

Christmas is behind us and the New Year is just a couple of days away. It’s a time of reflection on the past year, and a time of eager anticipation for the coming year.

I want to remind you of this:


A Christmas Blessing

Blessings to you this Christmas day!

Three memories I am grateful for that I hope will bless you.

Dad passing out gifts on Christmas Eve one at time: Our whole family would get together and Dad would pick a present from under the tree, call the name, and hand it to them.

Why I Believe in Christmas

Christmas 2016 is in the books. I would like to tell you why I believe in Christmas. It’s the first Christmas I can remember. It arrived just seven weeks after the deaths of my father and baby sister. To make matters worse, it was in the heart of the Great Depression.