Dad was right

Dad was right.

Words do matter. A great deal.

It seems the whole election this year is about words.

Words caught on camera. Words in emails.

In my 47 years with Dad, I didn't once hear him say a cuss word.

Not once did I hear him speak suggestively about someone.

The Gratitude Moment

What are you grateful for?

It's important.

But only if you want more to be grateful for.

Go ahead. Write it down. Speak it out loud.

Fill in the blank - I am grateful for_________.

Dad said this:

"The more you are grateful for what you have, the more you
will have to be grateful for.

The right kind of embarrassing

Mom and Dad were married 66 years.

As a young boy I can remember them holding hands and smooching.

When Dad would come home from a trip, his first stop was always to give Mom a hug and a kiss.

He opened every door for her and made it clear to all of us that she was his #1 priority.

Are you stuck?

Maybe your life feels like it is on hold.

Maybe you are doing fine, but there is something you know you should do - but you just can't get started.

Here is a quick checklist of what you can do to get Un-Stuck.

Determine your big Why.

Too big for a big room

I am in Las Vegas now, preparing to speak for a client. It's a very nice hotel with beautiful rooms. First class all the way.

Many times when Dad would speak, the client would honor him with a huge suite in the hotel. Several rooms, including a dining room, were not uncommon.

Said no one…..ever

I am glad I didn't put any effort into my last job because that is why I got promoted - said no one..... ever.

My horrible attitude is really paying off and my business is growing like crazy because of my bad attitude - said no one..... ever.

If you aim at nothing…

“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” Zig Ziglar

So true, and yet this truth is tragically far too common. A few days ago I wrote about people who wander aimlessly through life – I call them Zombies.

A good Ziglar friend and poet, Cliff Feightner, wrote this quick limerick about Zombies:

"Even though they are moving around
They make a disparaging sound.

Cornbread and Buttermilk

I don’t believe anyone enjoyed life more than Dad. The smile on his face when he had cornbread and buttermilk was incredible.

He made sure to get the most browned piece of cornbread with the burned edges. He would break it into pieces and put it into a glass of ice cold buttermilk.

Are you practicing True Performance?

What business is your company in?

I would like for you to consider being in the True Performance business.

A number of years ago, the Ziglar team, along with Dad’s help, came up with this definition for True Performance:

“True Performance is the ideal accomplishment of an idea, goal, or objective that benefits everyone involved.


One of my favorite topics to speak about is Zombies!

Unfortunately, they are everywhere.

Zombies are simply disengaged people who are going through the motions.

According to Gallup, somewhere around 70% of the workforce is disengaged – in Ziglar terms, they are Zombies.