Too big for a big room

Too big for a big room

I am in Las Vegas now, preparing to speak for a client. It's a very nice hotel with beautiful rooms. First class all the way.

Many times when Dad would speak, the client would honor him with a huge suite in the hotel. Several rooms, including a dining room, were not uncommon.

Dad would be grateful, of course, but then he would do something interesting. He would ask the host, or the hotel, to give the suite to somebody on the corporate staff of the client who would really enjoy it. Dad preferred simple, and he knew that for others this would be a real treat.

You see, Dad was "too big" for a big room. His self-worth, who he was, was not based on the room he was in. His self-worth was based on who he was and Whose he was.

That's a goal I have - to be too big for a big room.

You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!

Tom Ziglar

P.S. Quote of the Day: "Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart." Zig Ziglar