Are you stuck?

Are you stuck?

Maybe your life feels like it is on hold.

Maybe you are doing fine, but there is something you know you should do - but you just can't get started.

Here is a quick checklist of what you can do to get Un-Stuck.

  1. Determine your big Why. Now determine if that project you are stuck on will take you closer to your Why.
  2. Create hope. Develop your victory list of your past successes and all of your strengths. This is a reminder that you have done it before, and you can do it again.
  3. Multiply optimism. You know where you are going. You have what it takes. Now create a vision of accomplishing your project, your Why. See it, feel it, taste it in your mind's eye. Write down the benefits you will have as you progress towards your Why.
  4. Unleash creativity. Brainstorm every idea that comes to mind on how you can achieve your project and your Why. Let them flow and write them all down.
  5. Develop habits and systems. Pick the best ideas and make them your habit, part of your system that you work on daily.

Warning - most of the time we skip steps 1 - 4 and just focus on what we can do. The challenge is our mindset is wrong, so our creativity never gets unleashed and we end up doing the same old things, getting the same old results.

Today I am doing a webinar on Live To Win and I am going into detail on this five-step process. I hope you can join me! Register right here for free.

You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!

Tom Ziglar

P.S. Quote of the Day: "The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now." Zig Ziglar