
Show #325: What is in the way of your hope?

Welcome to Episode 325 of The Ziglar Show. I’m your proud host, Kevin Miller and today we have a new type of show for you. In a recent show, Zig cited a quote by John Johnson, "It’s the size of your hope that’s going to determine how far you’ll go in your life.


Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side.

Marriage is a continuous journey of accepting and loving your spouse for who they are. This how-to guide to a happy marriage combines convincing statistics, advice from experts, and helpful and humorous anecdotes from Ziglar’s own experience:

Memory is Important

When someone wonders if I remember such-and-such an event or so-and-so, if the answer is “no” one of my favorite responses is to smile and acknowledge that no, I don’t. Then I explain that I have a brilliant memory – it’s just awfully short.

Change What Goes Into Your Mind

You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind.

Zig Ziglar states that what you feed your mind determines your appetite. There is great power in becoming influenced by the things you read, watch or listen to. That’s why it is imperative to feed your mind in positive and holy ways:

Thinking Influences Performance

One of the better-known quotes is, "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are probably right." For a long time it's been accepted that your attitude plays a significant role in your success. Documented studies, time after time, have proven that attitudes are more important than facts and it's your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude.


If you have enough push, you don’t have to worry about the pull.

If you put 100% effort into your goals, then you are guaranteed to fight back any resistance that comes your way. Seeing things through no matter the struggle is the ultimate test of character. Learn how Zig Ziglar used his fight to reach his dreams:


When you are tough on yourself, life is going to be infinitely easier on you.

Disciplining yourself and maintaining a clear vision of your goals will get you ahead in life. When you hold yourself up to a certain standard, things can only work out in your best interest. Learn more about self-discipline:

Money Isn’t Enough

Although money is important, it is not everything. Zig Ziglar teaches us that success is not limited to monetary gain. True success is mastering each part of your life: personal, familial, social and business. A balanced success requires personal development, specifically building essential character qualities. Learn what Zig Ziglar says those essential character qualities are:

Not a Man Will Follow You

History records that in the first part of the fifteenth century a young French peasant girl, Joan of Arc, was called to save her country from its enemies. There was something about her that endeared her to her followers and caused them to have a respect - almost a reverence, an awe - for what she was attempting to do.