eBook: Born to Win


By Zig Ziglar and Tom Ziglar

The Born to Win philosophy is both “profoundly simple” and “simply profound.” The concept that you have to plan to win and prepare to win before you can expect to win is simple, but simple doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy, and when you dig a little deeper, you understand just how profound it really is. YOU really are born to win! Find out how you can prepare yourself for success and change your world.

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You were born to win, but to be the winner you were born to be you must plan to win and prepare to win! Then, and only then, can you legitimately expect to win. ~Zig Ziglar

This eBook is dedicated to all who understand that they were made not with a spirit of timidity, but with a spirit of power and self-discipline.

They are, in fact, born to win!

Do you sometimes feel less than a winner?

Have you gotten off track?

Let Zig’s wisdom help you get back on track and back to winning!

The Born to Win philosophy is both "profoundly simple” and "simply profound.” The concept that you have to plan to win and prepare to win before you can expect to win is simple, but simple doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy, and when you dig a little deeper, you understand just how profound it really is. YOU really are born to win! Find out how you can prepare yourself for success and change your world!

The eBook includes:

Plan to Win

Learn how to want to win and how to begin to win. Know what you want in life and how to get it. Value and purpose: the driving forces that fuel action

Prepare to Win

You can do more than you think: knowledge gives you power. Practice prepares you for victory. Get the right advice

Expect to Win

The power of encouragement and hope. Don’t worry about results. Always expect the best—be a positive thinker

Born to Win for Business

Learn the sole reason your business exists. Grow balance in every area of your life. "Drive” your business to new levels of success

If you’re serious about winning in life, learn how with Born to Win. Begin your journey today!

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