The Comfort Zone

The Comfort Zone

My 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary says that comfort is "relief from pain; ease; rest or moderate pleasure after pain, cold or distress or uneasiness of body."  The basic problem, too many people seek a comfort level where there is no pain or discomfort.  The reality is that what you're able to accomplish in life is determined by the number of times you leave your "comfort zone" to take on new challenges even though you know you're going to experience some pain, grief, or even a failure.

A classic example of this is in the world of public speaking.  According to Psychology Today, approximately 49% of all of the children in America today are shy.  They're ill at ease around people and are hesitant to speak up, participate in group activities, make new friends, seek employment, etc.  It is only when they leave this comfort zone that they are able to begin to overcome their shyness.

The best and fastest way to overcome shyness is to get them involved in group activities which lead to stand-up participation.  Yes, I'm talking about speaking.  As a former instructor in public speaking, I can tell you that nothing builds a person's courage and confidence any more than to successfully stand up in front of a group of people.  This is true, regardless of the size of the group and/or the length of the speech.  I have seen case after case where an individual took that first step forward and survived, so they were willing to take the step again and again until the shyness disappeared.

Message: If you have a shy child, gently steer him or her into situations and activities in small groups where they have a chance to do some participation: The Scouts and church activities are ideal.  Four H Clubs, FFA, etc., are enormously helpful.  It's safe to say that "you must get out of your comfort zone" to get in a real comfort zone of accomplishment and security.  Give it a shot and I'll SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

Need a confidence boost for your speaking skills?  Essential Presentation Skills 2-day workshop.

Zig Ziglar is known as America’s Motivator.  He authored 33 books and produced numerous training programs.  He will be remembered as a man who lived out his faith daily