The Daily 3

The Daily 3

Have you noticed that life can be tough, hard, and unfair? Circumstances beyond our control can hit us like a brick. We all get knocked down in life - the key is getting back up.

Practice the Daily 3 and when life hits you in the nose, you will be able to hit it back! Here are the three things you need to work on every single day of your life:

  1. The Physical - Since we know life can be tough, we need to be in good physical shape because this gives us more capacity, energy, and endurance when we need to work harder and longer. Bottom line is, we need at least seven hours of sleep each day, good, nutritious food, and exercise/physical movement.
  2. The Mental - Have you figured out that you don't have to look for bad news, that it will just find you? This means that every day you need to put into your mind the good, the clean, the pure, the powerful and the positive. Listen to great Zig Ziglar recordings, read good books, and associate with positive people. When the bad news comes, and it will, you need a mental reserve of good positive thinking to fight it.
  3. The Spiritual - There are things in life that happen to us that we just don't understand. Only God understands, and the good news is, He has a good plan for you - and He wants to share it with you. Spending time with God every day transforms your fear in the moment to faith in His plan for you.

Perhaps the greatest reason to practice the Daily 3 is this: Is there someone in your life you love? A family member, friend, or coworker? Does life ever knock them down? Of course it does! Isn't the greatest thing we can do for someone else to help them carry the burdens of life when they get knocked down? How can we help someone else going through a tough time if we don't have the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual capacity to help them?

Work on the Daily 3 starting today and every day!


Because you are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!


P.S. Today is Day 40 of my 66 Days of Gratitude Journey. Today I am grateful for memories of Dad, car trips, and good movies.

P.P.S. There is no downside to the Daily 3 - however, the upside is life-changing. It's up to you.