How do we find sanctuary in our home?

How do we find sanctuary in our home?

What is sanctuary?

A place of asylum and immunity.

A place of peace and unconditional love.

A place to escape from everyday stressors of life.

An attainable retreat accomplished through intentional living.

How do we find it?

Joanne F. Miller's new book, Creating a Haven of Peace, provides a formula for creating sanctuary in your own home.

An escape from busyness and chaos!

Creating a Haven of Peace will guide you to attainable steps toward creating the life and home you desire.

The author of Creating a Haven of Peace is Joanne F. Miller. In her new book she doesn't regurgitate facts and formulas from a textbook, but she shares from the reality of life experience.

"I learned a lot about what I didn't want; the marriages I had seen in my past, and the ones I have seen along the way in couples who sacrifice family for career. I am just like many of you, a person who drew the line in the sand and said, not me, not my marriage, and not my HOME."

My dad always talked about the home court advantage, and I believe this book will help you turn your home into a haven of peace so that you can experience the real home court advantage that Dad always talked about. You can get the book right here -Click here.

You are Born To Win, so ahead and Live To Win!

Tom Ziglar