Why do you work?

Why do you work?

Do you work to make ends meet?

To pay the bills?

Because you have to?


Do you work because you are on a mission?

Because you have a big WHY and a big dream?

Here is the bottom line:

"Work for a dream and not a paycheck." Tom Ziglar

What you do, the job you have or the company you own, is simply the vehicle you are using to achieve yourdream.

We all work because we need the money. But what is the money for? For survival? Or is the money simply to help you achieve your dream faster? Most of the time, people get serious about their finances and their future when one of the two D's show up.

Disaster - financial ruin is coming fast, so we finally bear down, do a budget, and take control of our life and start planning our next steps.

The second D is much better.

Dream - we create a vision for our future and turn our dream into a goal. Now it's easy to save, to delay gratification, to budget, to plan and prepare. Now we go to work every day, working for our dream and not a paycheck.

Here is the funny thing: either way you do the work, but something magical happens when the work is for a dream. You're inspired and the results multiply exponentially.

The secret? Plan, Prepare, Produce. If you want to work for a dream and not a paycheck, join us for our Plan, Prepare, Produce webinar. It's free! Register here.

You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!

Tom Ziglar

P.S. Quote of the Day: "Your business exists for one reason and one reason only -- as a vehicle to help you achieve your life goals." Howard Partridge