A hundred years from now, what do you want to be known for? What Legacy do you want to leave? What impact do you want to have that ripples through time?
We all want to matter. Understanding the spiritual spoke of The Wheel of Life is critical to this. Spiritual success is not about what we do or the possessions we accumulate.
Spiritual success is about who we are. Our character and integrity. Our faith. The qualities of success like discipline, honesty, loyalty, and love. The list goes on and on.
What are you doing right now, today, to develop your own qualities of success? Have you set a goal and created an action plan?
When Benjamin Franklin was 20 years old, he identified 13 virtues that he wanted to develop in himself. He worked on them EVERY day with a special focus on one virtue every four weeks.
What if you did the same as Ben? It worked out pretty good for him!
In case you missed it, here is the Wheel of Life assessment that you can take. It's a free download.
You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!
Tom Ziglar
P.S. Join us on our Live To Win free webinar and I will cover more about spiritual success. Register here.
P.P.S. "Developing your spiritual qualities is a complete waste of effort." Said No One Ever