This next thought is either:
Your words and your actions will impact the spiritual condition of those around you.
Your attitude will literally impact the spiritual condition of those around you.
Yes – somebody is watching you!
A child
A mate
A friend
A co-worker
They notice how you respond or react to the circumstances of life.
Does a flat tire ruin your whole day and dominate your conversations in a negative way?
Does a flat tire bring out the gratitude list because you have the ability to get it fixed and so many people in the world don’t?
Somebody is watching YOU.
Your reaction, or your response, impacts their very spiritual being. Think about the “negative” people you know. They learned it somewhere.
Imagine this scenario. Someone grows up in a house where change is bad. It's all about the routine. Every time plans get changed or the unexpected happens, the mood, the attitude, everything, goes negative. Mom and Dad get upset, so the kids get upset. The children learn that change is bad and they resist it all of their life and complain about it when it comes. Oh, how many opportunities do they miss and how many needlessly miserable days do they live?
Somebody is watching YOU.
Imagine this scenario. Someone grows up in a house where change is an adventure. Plans are made AND (not if, because change always comes) when the unexpected happens -- like the flat tire or the unexpected guest, Mom and Dad roll with it. The immediate response is, “How can I help?” or “What can I learn?” Or “I sure am grateful because...”
Somebody is watching YOU.
You have more influence than you can imagine. You have more responsibility than you can comprehend.
The way you respond, or react, will set off a chain of events that only eternity will reveal.
Yes, YOU, in your lifetime, will impact the spiritual condition of those around you.
Terrifying or Awe-inspiring?
The choice is yours.
You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!
Tom Ziglar
P.S. Our Ziglar Legacy Certification program is designed to help people make an awe-inspiring difference in the world. Register for this informational webinar today and learn how you can become one of our Ziglar Legacy Certified Ambassadors.
P.P.S. Quote of the Day: "Whether you like it or not, you are the most influential book your children will ever read on the subject of character." – Mark Timm