The Number One Lesson

The Number One Lesson

Dear Friend,

Think of all the things in life you have learned. What would you say is the number one lesson you learned?

Here is mine:

"What you feed your mind determines your appetite." Tom Ziglar

I took this from Dad’s quote:

"You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind." Zig Ziglar

When we choose and control what goes into our mind, it changes everything.

Not happy with who you are? Change what goes into your mind.

Not happy with how things are going? Change what goes into your mind.

I would love to hear what the number one lesson you have learned in life is. Reply to this email and let me know.

You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!


P.S. Today is Day Eight of my 66 Days of Gratitude. Today I am grateful for my Ropeman Michael Norton, bunnies (yes, I said that), and speaking (never thought it would be so much fun!).