I am breaking a promise.
Several years ago I asked our Zignificance readers (you) what major problems and challenges you were facing. I got over 500 responses!
I promised myself I would never ask that question again because it took me weeks to respond to every one of them!
Well, I am breaking that promise I made to myself.
I am asking you that question again!
What major problems and challenges are you facing?
Please just respond to this email with what you are struggling with.
This time I have a better plan. I am going to answer your questions in a couple of live webinars that I will be scheduling. This way, you can hear my answer and, even if you don’t attend live, I will send you the recording of it.
PLUS: I am going to transcribe the webinar so that you can read the answers, if you prefer.
I am counting on you! These webinars will be only as good as your questions – so send them on!
In the meantime, I have two webinars coming up that I think you should attend.
I am doing one on Live To Win tomorrow. It will cover how you can achieve balanced success faster than you can imagine. This webinar is highly interactive – I stop and take live questions –
so it is well worth your time. Register here.
The second webinar is next week called Getting Unstuck and Becoming Unstoppable! If you are “stuck” in any part of your life then you will want to attend – and, once again, ask questions! David Wright, our Ziglar Head Coach, will be teaching this one with me. Register here.
Today is your day! Time to tackle those big challenges and make them happen – and we are here to help!
You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!
Tom Ziglar
P.S. Quote of the Day: “Before you can change your thinking, you have to change what goes into your mind.” -Zig Ziglar
P.P.S. Here's the link for the Ziglar training offerings PDF - Get resource!