Getting to the next level is a funny thing. I think we all want to be more, do more, and have more, yet most of us are not sure how to get to the next level. And when we are sure of what to do, we often hesitate on taking action.
What do I mean? We look at our life and realize it could be better. Go ahead, do a quick review of 2016 – was it all it could be? If you had aligned your priorities a little better, would you have gotten more done? Did you accomplish your learning and growth goals? (Did you have goals?)
Now look ahead to 2017. Is it going to be better than 2016? How do you know?
Is your plan in place for 2017? Are you preparing and doing the work right now for 2017?
Two BIG questions for you:
- Are you 100% confident your game plan you have developed for 2017 is going to give you the results you are looking for?
- Are you worth it?
Making 2017 your year really boils down to a few things you can control.
Your mindset – Yes, I am worth it!
Your detailed game plan (goals).
Doing the work.
Why does Ziglar exist?
Simple. Our WHY, our MISSION, is to be the DIFFERENCE MAKER in your personal life, family life, business life, and spiritual life, so that YOU can make a positive difference in the world.
When you check out all of our offerings, they all support our WHY.
You are worth it!
2017 is your year.
Go – make it happen.
We are here to help. Just ask.
One of the things I enjoy personally doing is
high-level executive coaching. If you want to
achieve greater success and significance,
respond to this email with EXECUTIVE
COACHING in the subject line and I will
contact you personally.
You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!
Tom Ziglar
P.S. Quote of the Day: "The family that aims at nothing is sure to hit it."
– Zig Ziglar