Many youngsters will tell you that they "just want to be happy." Tragically, however, the rate of suicide amongst our teenagers is extremely high and is one of the leading causes of teenage death. I point out these factors only to emphasize that if you were to ask the typical parent to complete this sentence - the teenager is at home and says, "I'm....", most parents would immediately finish it with the word "bored." So what's the solution?
Get busy and do something! The obvious question is, "What?" Well, exercise is one of the things we can do. Getting busy and in motion certainly does wonders for the attitude. For example, recent studies reveal that aerobic exercise is a powerful cure for depression and anxiety. In my own case, I can be feeling slightly down, don my walking shoes and take a brisk 45-minute walk and I come back feeling good. Action is, obviously, a key factor in a person's happiness.
Optimism is also a happiness factor. The optimist feels like he can do something about whatever the circumstances might be. This makes him feel less like a victim and more in control. The optimist also is far more likely to talk and act in an enthusiastic, upbeat manner, which helps create the emotion of happiness. David G. Meyers, Ph.D., says that the most important factor in happiness is good interpersonal relations with our friends and family.
Research indicates that money is incapable of buying happiness because happiness really is not for sale. However, the setting of specific long-range goals is a major step in the right direction. I have never seen a depressed person who had specific, long-range goals. So, if happiness is one of your goals, consider the actions we've described here and chances go up dramatically that you will be happier. Give it a try and I'll SEE YOU AT THE TOP!
Zig Ziglar is known as America’s Motivator. He authored 36 books and produced numerous life-changing programs. He will be remembered as a man who lived out his faith daily.