Dear Lou,
A few weeks ago, I asked you what your top two best habits were. Over 100 of you replied!
I got so many great responses it is going to take several Zignificance newsletters to cover them all. Many of them were similar, and a few were truly unique and outstanding.
Please remember:
“Habits work not because they are unique and outstanding, but because they are habits.”
I challenge you to pick one of the following and make it a habit.
(I have included the first name of the person who submitted the habit as an expression of gratitude to that person.)
I have a one-hour commute each day, along with plane flights. I have turned the car AND plane into Auto/Air University. Listening to audio books and podcasts (especially the Ziglar show), and others like EntreLeadership and Learning Leader, have greatly increased my exposure to thought leaders. This has opened me up to many great ideas and concepts that I wouldn’t have had, had I just listened to talk radio or music.
Keep it UP!
I wake up early every day for my Bible study and personal commentary time. Sometimes I share later in the day with family when we get together.
Covey's tip of planning your's a big rock... make room in your schedule to plan and analyze and prioritize your week, every week.
Every morning, as I am getting ready, I listen to Joseph Prince Podcast, Boast of the Lord’s love for you, not your love for him. Number two, when I reach the kitchen I do the dishes that were left after I retired for the evening. I start work at 6 am; this way, when my family gets up, they start their day without looking at dirty dishes. :*)
My best habit is making sure my husband and I make time to be with our kids and grandkids. Whether that is having them over for dining or going on a vacation together. Memories are what survive us when the Lord takes us home, and we want them to be good ones.
- Throughout every day – Prayer & Praise
- Persistence – one hour of cardio or workout six days a week.
My best and most important habit is acknowledging my Heavenly Father the moment my eyes open in the morning, and thanking Him for life and health and breath,and the wonderful wife He gave to me. I follow up with quality time with Him and His Word, listening for what He has to say to start my day (it is, after all, His day, not mine). Then I read my Self Talk to myself before stepping into the "busy-ness" of the day.
Listen only to inspiring and educational podcasts/books while I'm running. Get up an hour before my kids to have quiet time to read Scripture and plan the day. While riding in the car, we listen (95% of the time) to educational, inspirational podcasts and books or a book recommended in my kids' school curriculum. (We homeschool.) My kids say sometimes that they don't know current music, but I'm ok with that. I only have these few years to instill this kind of wisdom! Thanks for all you do to inspire my family!
I do two chairs, daily Proverb, and fill in my ZPP (Ziglar Performance Planner) as my perfect start. Then I send my wife off with a kiss and the words I love you. Two good habits. I have room for more.
Warm regards,
You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live to Win!
P.S. I am hosting a webinar next week with Ziglar speaking expert Jason Frenn on how to connect with and influence your audience. Join us if you want to improve the impact of your speaking. There will be time for Q & A at the end, so bring your questions!
Register for free right here.
P.P.S. Learn how to keep life in balance with this FREE 7 Day Challenge.