“The fastest way to success is to replace bad habits with good habits.” - Tom Ziglar
A couple of weeks ago, I asked our Zignificance readers to send in their very best habits. Over 100 of you replied!
This is the second newsletter covering the best of the best habits.
Challenge: Pick your favorite habit below and make it your own habit!
I write my two goals every evening for the following day and try to check the day after to see what I have done, no matter how small the goal was.
- Starting each day with my prayer devotional, filled with pictures of those I love and want to keep in prayer (including myself), our business and employees, my community, state and country leaders, God's heart for world issues, etc.;
- Reading the Scriptures;
- Writing down five things I am thankful for in my Gratitude Journal.
One of my best habits is in relation to my wife and that is every morning before I leave the house I make sure and wake her up, say good morning, hug and kiss her, tell her I love her, and then I can leave the house. It's my favorite of my habits and one that no matter if we are riding high or in a low slump, we put aside anything to make sure we say we love each other prior to parting ways on our daily schedules from there.
Thanks for all you continue to provide here in these emails.
- Start each day with 15 minutes of prayer. This is important to me, so I have it written on my Daily Calendar.
- Be sure to say “Good Morning” to those you work with before getting to the business. One of my first secretaries taught me that lesson and I’ll never forget it.
- Have fun. If you’re not having fun, you’re in the wrong career.
- Remember that feeling you had when you walked in on your very first day? How refreshed, invigorated, and excited you were to get at it? Relive that feeling every day you come in! The rest will fall in place behind these.
I use 10-15 minutes of my lunch to re-evaluate the day. Is it going as I have planned? Are there slight course corrections to make mid-day to help the day go more smoothly? If all is going well, note what planning helped to make it go smoothly. Seems to help get the afternoon off to a good start and keep the day from spiraling out!
When I wake up I don't do anything before I pray
Before I leave from work I have to check my personal emails, social media, and I do research for any interesting training
When I reach home, I have a habit of cooking for my family
-Regards, Kwizera
1st good habit: Before getting out of bed to take over the world, I read a chapter in Proverbs. As you know, Proverbs has 31 chapters,one for every day of the month. Example: this morning I read Proverbs chapter 16.
2nd good habit: While driving to work, I let my Lord and Savior Jesus know that I desire Him, He’s enough for me, I will cling to Him, and that I know He protects me. Learned this from David’s Psalm 63.
Greatly appreciate the opportunity to share.
-Be blessed! Elberta
First: While driving to work, I attend Automobile University. I strive to listen to audiobooks that will inspire me to improve some aspect in my life. Years ago, I started this with Zig Ziglar’s motivational tapes. Today, I used the Audible app from Amazon from my iPhone. When there’s a delay in traffic, I’m normally calm, since I’m listening to something inspirational. This idea originally came from Zig.
Second: Another idea I got from Zig: when someone asks me how I’m doing, I say Better Than Good and Getting Better! I was very blessed to attend one of Zig’s Born To Win seminars in 2006, where I had some one-on-one time with him. He was a great encourager and mentor.
My best habit is reading the Bible in the morning, followed by listening to preaching while putting make-up on. 🙂
-On Mission! Sydney
You are Born to Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!
Tom Ziglar
P.S. I am hosting a webinar with Ziglar speaking expert Jason Frenn on how to connect with and influence your audience. Join us if you want to improve the impact of your speaking. There will be time for Q & A at the end, so bring your questions! Register for free right here.
P.P.S. Quote of the Day: "Daily portions of encouragement is the fuel which keeps hope alive and well."
– Zig Ziglar