Getting others to lead

Getting others to lead

Business owners ask me all the time, “Tom, how do you get people to ‘own’ their position and lead from right where they are?”

I bet you have noticed that some people are just passive in their job role. They won’t make a decision without specific, detailed instructions given by their boss. They would rather do nothing than take a chance they could be wrong. Meanwhile, the customer leaves without placing an order!

Is this a leadership problem?


An employee problem?

It’s both!

Business owners and leaders must create the environment, provide the training, and give the right feedback to encourage this “owning my own job mentality.”

Team members must step up and take this responsibility without fear.

If you are a business owner and you want to create a team of people that “own their job” and lead right where they are, then please join me and Howard Partridge, Ziglar’s exclusive small business owner coach, as we discuss this AND how you can make your business profitable, systemized, and turnkey so you can take the long, stress-free vacations you have always dreamed of. Register right here.

You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win,

Tom Ziglar

P.S. Quote of the Day: “Obviously, there is little you can learn from doing nothing.” -Zig Ziglar