
Always do the right thing, always be exciting, always be encouraging, and always be learning something new.

Show #326: Break down to build up

Welcome to episode 326 of The Ziglar Show. I’m your proud host Kevin Miller and my quote for today is, “When you don’t have focus, you put energy into not losing what you have, and you don’t gain much. When you have focus you put energy into gain, and you can’t lose!” From that our title for today’s show is, “Break down to build up”

Today’s show is brought to you by a kindred show.

The Ten-Day Leap

For most of us the arrival of a highly-anticipated event such as the birth of a new baby, a long-awaited vacation, the return home of a loved one, the big game we've been looking forward to, etc., seems to take forever.

On the other hand, if it's one of those dreaded events like April 15th, the date a divorce becomes final, admission to the hospital for major surgery or any event that brings pain, despair, or a sense of loss, the calendar rushes forward with breathtaking speed.

I Wish I Had? or I’m Glad I Did?

Will you look back on life and say “I wish I had” or “I’m glad I did”?

Taking advantage of opportunities that present themselves is crucial to our success journey. We shouldn’t shy away from opportunities that require us to step out of our comfort zone, yet we often do. Learn how to develop confidence and belief in yourself so that you can take charge when these opportunities arise:

Show #325: What is in the way of your hope?

Welcome to Episode 325 of The Ziglar Show. I’m your proud host, Kevin Miller and today we have a new type of show for you. In a recent show, Zig cited a quote by John Johnson, "It’s the size of your hope that’s going to determine how far you’ll go in your life.


Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side.

Marriage is a continuous journey of accepting and loving your spouse for who they are. This how-to guide to a happy marriage combines convincing statistics, advice from experts, and helpful and humorous anecdotes from Ziglar’s own experience:

Memory is Important

When someone wonders if I remember such-and-such an event or so-and-so, if the answer is “no” one of my favorite responses is to smile and acknowledge that no, I don’t. Then I explain that I have a brilliant memory – it’s just awfully short.

Change What Goes Into Your Mind

You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind.

Zig Ziglar states that what you feed your mind determines your appetite. There is great power in becoming influenced by the things you read, watch or listen to. That’s why it is imperative to feed your mind in positive and holy ways: