Show #335: What are the real catalysts for life change?

Show #335: What are the real catalysts for life change?

Welcome to The Ziglar Show, I’m your host Kevin Miller and I’m here because there are few pursuits more worth than positive, personal development. Our lives are not neutral. We’re either growing to be better for others, or we’re declining. Ziglar is about personal growth and I’m proud to be here helping further the cause. And I’m incredibly honored that you are listening, right now, because you feel the same way. You are listening because you believe in more. Thanks for letting me be a part of the legacy you are committed to creating. I bring you a quote that the best man in my wedding, 23 years ago, posted last night on Facebook, “the duty of the church is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. - Michael Ramsey. Listen again, the duty of the church is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. I could expound, but I’ll just give it to you…to stew on.

This is episode 335 and the title is, “What are the real catalysts for life change?”

Yesterday at 9pm Central Time we posted a question on the Ziglar Facebook Page. Thanks to the over 3.6 million loyally tuned in fans, now, 19 hours later, we have 211 comments. So first, thank you all immensely! We’re incredibly honored by the loyalty and engagement.

So the question we posted on the Ziglar Facebook page was this, “If you’ve ever made a significant change in your life, will you share what the main catalyst or cause was? Was it a message, a person, a life circumstance or something else? What caused the tipping point?

I asked it because, I truly wanted to know! I of course went through and picked out the comments that piqued my interest. But I didn’t categorize them or prepare commentary. And Tom hasn’t seen them at all. I’m simply going to read them and Tom and I are going to give you our candid thoughts and feedback.

OK, let’s dive into the comments to the question, “If you’ve ever made a significant change in your life, will you share what the main catalyst or cause was? Was it a message, a person, a life circumstance or something else? What caused the tipping point?”

And folks, I’ve got to tell you, I do create and script these shows on the spot. I got this one ready last night, sitting in my living room with various members of my, currently 11 member household. I read many of the posts below out loud.

And it reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from the movie Gladiator, “What you do in this life, echoes in eternity.” What people took the time to share, now exists in my family’s lives. And as you listen, will exist and influence yours. Just the act of sharing your journey and learnings to listening ears. And for those of you who are parents…EVERYTHING you do, will echo in your children’s lives…forever. How convicting, daunting and glorious is that?

Ok, here we go. and let me warn you, if you like shallow fluff, you’ll get uncomfortable here. Though, that’s a stupid statement on my part, as there is no one listening here now, who is shallow. If you were, there are many other podcasts that will tickle your ears. You’re here because we…us together…are not here to tickle. We’re here to pick up, shoulder and lift ourselves and others. And that…takes depth and strength and love. Let’s to this thing!

This guy posted near immediately, was literally the first post, and has X likes and X comments to his post. It’s significant Tom…strap in:

Jake Heilbrunn I'm 18 years old and was depressed and unfulfilled after my first semester of college. In January of 2015, I took a leap of faith, booking a 1 way flight to Guatemala with no phone, and spent 4 months solo backpacking and volunteering in Central America, teaching English in a rural Guatemalan village, living with the locals, building eco lodges on the beach, trekking through ancient Mayan civilizations and pyramids, volcano boarding in Nicaragua, living on a raw plant diet in Costa Rica and so much more. My catalyst was the realization that I WAS DONE LIVING A LIFE BASED ON THE EXPECTATIONS OF OTHERS. I've learned that true fulfillment and inner peace stem from the process of following your own true path, despite what others say/think. I am now writing a book on my travels and my decision to follow my gut, with the intention of inspiring thousands of youth and adults around the country. My message is that we must be proactive in pursuing our dreams and have the courage to listen to our inner voice. The initial step of simply taking action (leaving school and booking one way flight, in my case) is the most difficult part. But when you take a leap of faith based on your truest intuition, the universe will work with you, not against you

Selena Kerkhoff I was in an abusive relationship for 7 years without the ability to find my way out. Eventually things got very dangerous, and I was scared. Every day my older sister would take the time out of her day to call me an say this to me," God will not let you fall any further than you are now." I wasn't an over religious person, but that daily feeding of positive talk from a trusted person allowed me to walk out, divorce and create an incredible life with self worth, dignity and most importantly a very positive outlook on life! I have married a very supportive and like minded man, and together we are conquering our dreams with rather large smiles on our faces. All because sis took the time to believe in me!!!!

Kristin Davis I started my business after my family experienced the devastating and unexpected loss of my 42 year old brother in law. He was bigger than life and there was a palpable difference here on earth without him. He was very driven and worked like he had the power of 10 men! I felt I needed to go big or go home because nothing in life is guaranteed including time to do it tomorrow.

Annette Stokes My son passed away from suicide in 2006. After that happened I spent 3 years in a deep depression. It changed me dramatically. I gained a new perspective on what is important in life. God,family,work. In that order. I have since started a small business using my skills in marketing. I rep a couple companies with direct mail marketing and do marketing for a construction company. I am happier now than I ever was. That may not sound right since I lost my son but I now value the correct things and live the life I was ment to live. I give more and expect nothing in return. And although there are times I am not sure I can pay the bills my faith always holds true and somehow I find a way. Abundance seems to be with me. And I thank God for what I have and know that I am very blessed.

Margaret Iriarte When my father died I was 15. He was 34. Massive heart attack. Left 5 kids behind. I've lived in fear of reaching my 30s. I've had the same stress level as he did, very overweight, and on depression and anxiety meds that made me a robot. The last 3 years of my life were the hardest between a failing marriage, financial debt, stress and looking in the mirror and hating what I saw. At the end of May this year I met a couple who were a part of a nutrition and supplement company. They opened the door for my husband and I to make a life change for our health and our life together. 77 days since day one of our journey I am down 50 pounds, my husband is down 42. We have promised each other to refocus what's important in our lives and work together as a team to meet the same goals for our children. Our relationship is the strongest it's ever been, our financial future looks promising bc we are now a business team, where before there was no hope. I welcome the age of 34 so I can wave it goodbye and grab the future to run with it. The biggest change is in our minds and hearts, when you want something bad enough you have to fight for it. People say they will kill for their children, but will they change? We had to recommit, rearrange and throw out a whole bunch of things in order to get to this mindset for our 3 children. Your posts are used often on my page bc it's how I'm feeling at that moment. I now only look to how we can make it better instead of looking for a way out. Everything does happen for a reason.

Casey Giles I grew up in the foster care system. I used to think ... Poor me, my family is awful. I felt so unloved and abandoned. There were many hurtful people that I had been abused by.

One day, a boy near my age (about 14) came to live in the same foster home. His mother and her boyfriend had beaten his younger brother to death.

It was a severe awakening at my age. Yeah, those bad things happened to me. But this boy had such a heavier burden to carry. I quickly realized there were probably many people who had so much less good in their lives. I've tried everyday since to look for and be grateful for the blessings in my life.

Renard Waboo The most significant change that I've made is using my adopted name after graduating high school rather than my birth name, which I used on all official documents prior to that switch. It is like I have lived multiple lives because you are known by what people call you. Once they are forced to identify you under a different title a rebirth occurs. Ultimately, a rebirth gives an individual the power to reinvent themselves. Names can have a huge impact on self concept. I am humbled by the different powers each name has given me.

Tammy Cohoon My Parents had to sell the Farm when I was twelve and we moved from a close knit community to an abandoned AFB where my parents attended a government school for these type of situations. It was complete culture shock for me and I spiraled into a depression for years. My parents were also depressed and immensely dysfunctional. Those were extremely unhappy years! I missed so much school and if it wasn't for my faith in God, I would've committed suicide. Finally, by a prayer and miracle I was sponsored by a wonderful and generous family to go away to a Christian high school. It was at that school that a teacher's wife gave me the book "See You At The Top." I read it over and over again and Fell in love with Zig Ziglar and his positive principles! He changed my life from a negative path to being a believer in helping others get what they need. I am now an Early Childhood Teacher and Mom of 3 biological children, who adopted 2 additional children and fostered 2 more. We've also been a shepherding home for unwed mothers. I believe I can change my corner of the world and that's a long road since the days of deep despair!

Patrick Leisure Tired was the only thing I could think when my life changed. I was just too darned tired to go on living the way I was. I asked God to silently kill me while I was sleeping. He had better things in store for me. I slowly came to my knees and gave up any power I thought I had. I asked him finally for help. "If you're up there God, please help." He did. I have tons of faith in the power of prayer, a good support network, and surrendering.

"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12

> > In show 334 zig talked about so many people feeling it’s too late for them. Here is a great testimony

Michael Becerra In my life as a cosmetologist, I never dreamed I would have the opportunity to go back to school. After being a stylist for 34 years, I decided to take a risk. Get myself back in school and learn. I have traveled the road less traveled.Although I had many skeptics, I decided to pursue my goals, and now I am about to graduate with a super high honor in medical assisting. I have a much bigger goal ahead, at 56. We can do more than just dream. We can be a part of growth and progress, knowledge and success.

Bill Mabrey I am 44 yrs old. I have been an irresponsible alcoholic and drug addict much of my adult life. The turni g point for me was when my daughter was talking about her step father and refered to him as Dad. I could no longer ignore the obvious. I had not been a Dad for her, and if I ever wanted my children to see me as there Dad. It was time to make some monumental change in my life. So I turned my life over to God. If any one could help me it would be him. All I cab say is, he did and he is.

Brett Pemberton My friend Wesley encouraged me to move to Los Angeles to pursue my music production & songwriting full time. I was afraid of failure, and he persistently told me I could do it. I finally made the leap, and in less than two years have already begun working with some of the biggest writers, producers, and artists in the industry. It's still a struggle, but I would've never come down hadn't it been for my friend Wesley calling me several times a week just to tell me he believed in me. He had no self-interest, only to help see a friend follow their dreams.

Ben Alexander I was 28 years old, I weighed 297 pounds, was shooting up crystal meth, and had recently been released after being charged with my first felony. I absolutely hated myself and everything that I had become. At that point, I knew I had to do something different or die trying. So I checked myself into rehab and began a workout routine. I started doing everything differently, taking a proactive approach towards life and all of its challenges. As of today, I have nearly 9 months clean, I have lost 60+ pounds in counting, I have a great career, the love, respect, and trust of my loved ones, and most importantly, I love myself. It's kind of crazy, because one day it just snapped in my head, and I started doing all the things I always wanted to do but never had the discipline to make myself do them. My message is that no matter what your goal, no matter where your starting position, anything and everything is possible with determination, effort, and faith!!!

Zion Isabelle Chipochaishe For years I hung around the wrong people, spent time with the wrong crowd that I called friends. All we did was gossip,laugh at people,pull people down eating very unhealthy foods. We spent most of our times being idle and unproductive so this was taking a toll on me emotionally, financially and physically. The negative energy was very draining and I was just bankrupt. Also when I would read Psalm 1, it keeps talking about not hanging around sinners and scoffers because it does not please God and that's who we were, sinners and scoffers and sadly enough we called ourselves Christians and we were even leaders at our respective churches and yet we couldn't respect ourselves let alone others. I also came to the realization of the fact that no matter who it is anybody who feels comfortable enough to gossip somebody with you will definitely gossip about you when they are behind your back, that's just the way it is, I learned the hard way that the same people I called friends were spreading rumors about me behind my back and that was just the catalyst I needed to initiate my change because I wasn't making any progress, was in the same spot for years. So slowly I pulled myself back and disconnected with each and every one of them. It wasn't easy, it cost me a lot because my life was all about these people for years but I don't regret,best decision I ever made. Funny enough amazing doors all of a sudden started opening for me in my life and business as a fashion designer I got selected to show my designs with several local and international organizations in the Midwest like Omaha Fashion Week, Kansas City Fashion Week etc. My business is growing, new amazing friends, relationships and opportunities also kept opening up for me. Oh how I'm ever so grateful, my life is rich now, full of though very few but quality loving people minus drama and negative energy. It doesn't get any better than that. You are just one decision away from changing your life.

Tomacina Cioffi Hochgurtel My life changed when I failed for the first time. I had to start over, then I found myself surrounded by positive people that believed in me and I began to believe in my self and things just keep getting better.