Show #419: How to love going home – Mark Timm

Show #419: How to love going home – Mark Timm

Mark Timm made millions in his business, but could hardly get himself to pull up the driveway to home. Why? He felt like a failure at home and would rather just stay at work where he experienced success and fulfillment. Until…he tried applying his successful work strategies with his family. Today, Mark is the new CEO of Ziglar Family. Find them now and get your free Raising Positive Kids: What Your Family Must Know to Succeed eBook at Thanks to Concordia University of Wisconsin and Qualaroo for supporting this episode!

Hi, everyone, this is Kevin and this is Ziglar’s True Performance Show, episode #419, and Tom Ziglar and I are bringing you a repeat guest. Mark Timm is the author of “Raising Positive Kids: What Your Family Must Know to Succeed” with Zig Ziglar. I’ll be honest, when we do shows on personal success, any that headline with marriage or parenting generally get a little fewer downloads. Why? We all say our relationships and family come first and are our biggest priority, but…they often take a back seat to the urgent issues in our lives -- like job, career, business, money, illness.

In this show that we just finished recording, Mark Timm will inspire you greatly…to want the benefits of a successful, thriving family.

Mark’s first show with us was January 21, 2016, #358, “Be the CEO of your home.”

Mark is the President and CEO of a company he co-founded 15 years ago called Cottage Garden, Inc. They are the #1 supplier of musical gift products in North America. In 2009, Cottage Garden was named runner-up as the National Small Business of the Year. Now they have over 200 sales representatives in ten countries, and their products are found in tens of thousands of retailers worldwide.

His premise is taking our successful strategies at work and applying them to our family. It’s intriguing and hopeful to listen to.

Today, however, his primary focus is being CEO of…Ziglar Family. Taking Zig Ziglar’s timeless and profound principles on family and bringing them into the modern world.

Lately, Mark has been doing Facebook live videos with his kids. I’ve seen over 80,000 views and well over 1,500 comments; obviously, a hot topic!

Right now, if you sign up at, you get a free eBook from Raising Positive Kids: What Your Family Must Know to Succeed, etc.

Our FREE eBook reveals:

The one thing you can do today to change the trajectory of your family legacy.

One of the most significant stress factors for families today.

So, here is the interview with Mark Timm that Tom Ziglar and I just completed moments ago:

So, strong families. Of course, anyone would say they want it. But most would say they also want 10% body fat, a toned body, great energy and mobility, and to feel great. The knowledge is out there, but when it comes down to day-to-day decisions and habits, we often don’t do anything. I think a lot has to do with not actually understanding the benefits.

We’re a selfish humanity. So, in the “what’s in it for me” category…aside from being the right thing to do, what are the tangible, selfish benefits of investing to have strong and healthy family relationships?

>>Listen to the show

In the Ziglar Family private Facebook page, you had a discussion asking how much time people thought the average family actually spent together on a daily basis. The amount was…36 minutes. I didn’t look it up, but I know the average time spent watching TV is far greater than that. Which brings up the question…why do we get married and have kids? Seriously…why? What is the point and purpose, you’ve gotta ask yourself!

>>Hear Mark’s responses on the program

1) I was on the show eight months ago. At that point, the focus was on my platform of your most valuable business was/is your family. Since then, and as a result of that show, I have “joined” the Ziglar family and I am now the CEO of Ziglar Family. I think we need to walk people through that journey a bit, as my commitment to Ziglar Family is now my #1 endeavor outside of my family.

Are you still running your business? Ziglar Family is really your primary focus?

>>Listen to Mark on the show

2) After spending so much time with Tom, I have learned a lot about how important the family message was to his dad, Zig Ziglar, and that in some ways there was some unfinished business to be tended to thereby and on behalf of his own legacy - being his three children. They all know how important family was to their dad, and how he wished he could have done more for families.

Tell us more about this…Zig left unfinished business?

>>Hear Mark’s comments on the program

Right now, if you sign up at, you get a free eBook from Raising Positive Kids: What Your Family Must Know to Succeed, etc.

Our FREE eBook reveals:

The one thing you can do today to change the trajectory of your family legacy.

One of the most significant stress factors for families today.

Now, thanks to technology, they/we can….it was unrealistic to think families could spend hundreds of dollars to come to a weekend-long seminar and find child care and expenses, etc. Now Mr. Ziglar’s content will be delivered to families where they are when they can best access it, etc. So the timing of Ziglar Family is perfect. The message has not changed -- it is timeless, proven wisdom -- but it is now delivered in a new way to families.

It’s not changed, it’s timeless and proven, but…like common sense not being common, have we lost our way and what should be common is now secret?

>>Hear Mark’s responses on the show

3) The goal of this show should be to, first, make sure it is clear how Ziglar Family came to be - why it is so important - why Mr. Ziglar would be so proud of what is happening. But then transition to why it is so critical that it happens NOW - that families are under attack, and there are precious few resources dedicated to helping families to win! Ziglar Family exists to "Impact the world one family at a time.” During these uncertain times, if you want to really make an impact on our culture or the world, it starts at the family level and we are not afraid to take that on….and we are!

In show #414 with Steve Smith, he went on a bit of a rant regarding the modern day church who is so often reaching out to save the world, and he said if we want to save the world, just focus on saving those in the church! The congregation in the pews.

I father 10 children, ages 22 to 3. But more than my experience with them, it’s the past decade of coaching and consulting that has shown me the profound and dramatic influence of one’s upbringing and influences from home. It’s daunting, but also…amazing and blessed.

How do you best inspire people to make family a priority?

>>Listen to Mark’s comments on the program

4) Finally, once we get people really fired up about their family, and why the time is now to get involved, we can do a call to action of joining the movement through signing up at or joining our closed Facebook group, etc.

We will tell them we are developing a course to help families, but this show should really be all about Ziglar Family and why it exists and how it came to be and how they can get involved. We can do a follow-up show later in the year to help launch the course - we can even do a special offer just to the listeners of this show when the course is live.