Show #342: Righteous cash and your performance

Show #342: Righteous cash and your performance

Today we are going to talk about your faith and your money and your performance, all in the same breath. We have a very special guest today who boldly stated that “Money is a certificate of performance”. And before you expect the statement came from a high powered CEO or Silicon Valley, I’ll divulge our guest.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin. Rabbi Lapin is a best-selling author and host of the Rabbi Daniel Lapin Show. He is one of America’s most eloquent speakers and has a distinct ability to extract life principles from the Bible and transmit them in an entertaining manner, which you’ll be privy to in just a moment.

Before immigrating to the United States in 1973, Rabbi Daniel Lapin studied the Torah, physics, economics and mathematics in Johannesburg, London and Jerusalem. This seemingly unlikely combination forms the bedrock of his conviction that no conflict exists between the physical and spiritual, virtue and strength, or faith and wealth. He quickly became persuaded that God continues to smile on the United States of America and he became a naturalized citizen on what he describes as the proudest day of his life.

It was Rabbi Lapin’s compelling application of permanent principles that address the problems that plague individuals, families and our nation that won the admiration of Zig Ziglar. President George W. Bush appointed him to serve two terms on a United States Commission.

Rabbi Lapin is a noted writer, with articles appearing in the Wall Street Journal, National Review, The Washington Times and countless other publications. His first book, America’s Real War was a national best seller, but it was his third book, ‘Thou Shall Prosper: The Ten Commandments for Making Money’, which has a forward by Dave Ramsey, that so many people know him from.

The book details the ten permanent principles that never change, the ten commandments of making money if you will, and explores the economic and philosophic vision of business that has been part of Jewish culture for centuries.

You are going to get some paradigm shifts, quite possibly have you toes stepped on, but most likely you’ll gain permission to go forth and make some righteous cash.

Ok folks, listen intently as Tom Ziglar and I bring you what may be a life and financial altering discussion with Rabbi Daniel Lapin:

Rabbi. This is the first time I’ve ever talked with you, but I’ve known your name for many years, as you hold a significant place of respect for my father, Dan Miller. Then to later realize you were a great resource and influencer to Zig and the whole Ziglar family…it’s just a profound honor to have you on The Ziglar Show today. Especially in light of the fact your Skyping in to us from Isreal!

Tom, you’ve known Rabbi Lapin a while, tell us about your experience and relationship with him.

> > Hear Tom's testimony in the show.

Rabbi Lapin, If I may, can I ask you about your initial experience with Zig that led to him citing you as such a trusted and valued resource?

> > Hear Rabbi tell his Zig story.

Rabbi Lapin, In your books, writings, presentations and overall prolific sources of content and teaching, you hit on many subjects. And while you are incredibly respectful and gracious, you don’t shy away from, and seem to gravitate toward…hard issues and intersections between, or even overlapping, of faith and secular.

Most people veer far away from this. In the church foyer you talk about "churchy" things. Family. Health. “God is good!” You leave the business and money and real world day-to-day talk for Mon-Sat outside of the true walls. I’m thinking when you walk in to church people are either eager for the fresh air of real life, or they walk quickly away in fear of getting uncomfortable! A quote I’ve heard multiple times, and appreciate greatly, is “The mission of the church is to comfort the distressed and distress the comfortable.” I’m sensing you are in agreement with this perspective, yes?

> > Rabbi actually did not agree with this!

So many people, especially those who claim faith and spirituality as significant parts of their lives and beliefs, are somewhat ambivalent about wanting more money. They think it must be selfish and potentially greedy. Do you think it's okay to ask God for more money?

> > You'll want to hear his response.

Do you view money is merely a physical or worldly issue and not spiritual?

> > A controversial issue, for sure.

The book I know you best for is ‘Thou Shall Prosper - The Ten Commandments for Making Money’. The title alone is controversial of course, as so many people of any faith, by far and large tend to shy away from any overt focus on accumulating money. What sparked your interest in this specific topic? A personal experience, issues you saw in the culture or both?

> > Hear Rabbi's answer in the show.

An overarching theme for you in all your topics, including money, is “The more things change, the more you must depend upon those things that never change”. In today’s economy…in our marketplace…what are some primary aspects of money that you see changing, and what non-changing aspects do we need to anchor to?

> >The Rabbi's answer is very insightful.

The “1st Commandment” you list in your book is, “Believe in the Dignity and Morality of Business.” And along with the word business, I’m going to assume we could also add work, career, job and commerce. The reason you made this statement is of course because you saw the dignity and morality being compromised. How?

> > See if you relate with the Rabbi's answer.

Your 2nd Commandment is, “Extend the Network of your Connectedness to Many People.” Again, we can surmise you gave this issue prominence because you saw a deficit or need for people to be more connected. With today’s technology, most would say we are more “connected” than ever. But I’m thinking your reference is far deeper than texting and social media, yes?

> > This discussion transcends mere money.

Your 3rd Commandment for making money is interesting. “Get to Know Yourself.” I don’t think this is a commonly listed trait anyone thinks of in regards to making money. If anything we might think of getting to know OTHER people, which of course is relevant to successful selling! But I know you have it there for a wise reason. Will you elaborate?

> > And elaborate he does!

We could viably spend hours here, but I’m going to encourage everyone to go get the book to get all the wisdom offered! For this show, I’m going to skip to your 10th Commandment, because it just has Zig Ziglar written all over it. “Never Retire.” In our culture today, we unfortunately have many people of retirement age who can’t retire because they don’t have the savings to support themselves. But I’m very certain this is not at all your point! What is your motive behind stating “Never Retire” as a commandment for making more money?

> > You'll want to hear his take on retirement.