Choose to win – 7 Weeks to Balanced Success
When you say it out loud, replacing your bad habits with good ones seems simple enough. Then again, saying you will enjoy greater success this year also seems realistic. And that’s the rub. Saying you are going to do something is easy. It’s actually doing it that requires planning and a program. Replacing bad habits with good habits is the fastest way to achieve success, but even that requires effort and a willingness to change, two aspects people often overlook. Anyone can want change, only a few do what it takes to make it happen
The Choose to win – 7 Weeks to Balanced Success program is the most COMPLETE program ever developed because it is simple to implement and it also helps people understand the sequence of success and the foundational difference between those who “want to” change their life and those who “actually do” change their life. It's a sequence to success that anyone can achieve!
Be happier, healthier, more prosperous, more secure, and to have more friends, better family
relationships, peace of mind, and hope in the future.
It is not enough to “just do what successful people do.” There is a sequence, a system if you will, that must be followed in the proper order. If you have ever enjoyed periods in your life of greater success, achievement, and happiness, only to be derailed and end up falling back into the misery of disappointments and unrealized dreams, you understand that something was missing.
The Choose to win program is designed to build sustainable success by:
Sometimes the simplest solution makes the most sense
Read the story behind Choose to winThe Wheel of Life verifies the methodology behind this life
changing program
Quotes from Ziglar
We are pleased to announce this special, limited time offer:
The complete 8-hour Choose to win audio program download with 103-page electronic workbook.
Ziglar On Demand online 24/7 access to 60 hours of Zig Ziglar’s legendary programs.
Weekly Choose to win webinar group training and coaching.
Total value
Package special
Special limited time offer
That’s right. When you register today, not only do you receive $200 off the Choose to win workbook and audio program, but you will also get access to weekly live group training and coaching sessions as well as a subscription to Ziglar On Demand. That’s over $2,400 of information, guidance and support available for free when you sign up for Choose to win today.
When you replace one bad habit with a good habit every week, you will soon have the life you have always dreamed of!
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