Executive and Business Owner Coaching

Leaders, business owners, and executives today face many challenges. The goal of Ziglar Executive Coaching is to meet you where you are and focus on your most pressing needs, while helping you create a plan that will allow you to unleash the potential inside of you while actively working towards and accomplishing your goals.

Based on conversations with executives, leaders, business owners, and doing research, we have identified core areas that executives are struggling with and that we address in Ziglar Executive Coaching based on your needs.

These include:

  1. Relationships at home
  2. Life balance
  3. Creating a culture of communication
  4. Leading with energy
  5. Employment engagement
  6. Creating relevant, on-going training for their team, staff, employees
  7. Priority management
  8. Time management
  9. Creating a group of two or three “trusted advisors” outside the company
  10. Going through a major transition

66% of the reason we fail in business is emotional.

A recent study finds that 66% of the reason we fail in business is emotional. It has very little to do with business systems, processes, or cash flow. However, what we do know is our thinking, feeling, believing, and attitude affect our choices, which lead to results that impact our business, cash flow, and, ultimately, our outcomes personally and professionally.

Based on our experience, and studies like the one mentioned above, we have found that beginning our coaching with your thinking, feeling, believing, and attitude about your personal and professional life lays the foundation for creating the change that brings the results you want, while overcoming the challenges listed above.

The Ziglar Approach to Executive Coaching

Tom Ziglar and David Wright engage with you as a team. In each session, both Tom and David bring their unique backgrounds and questioning skills to help you discover and clarify your goals and objectives for your personal and professional life. Each session follows a specific coaching process with clear expectations set and accountability measures built in.

Tom Ziglar

Tom has been the CEO of Ziglar, Inc., for over 20 years. In this role and through his speaking and training, he has had interactions with thousands of business owners and leaders in all areas of the marketplace. The vast majority of these interactions revolve around two primary objectives: How to increase performance, and how to move from success to significance. Because of this marketplace experience, combined with over 50 years of experience in the Ziglar philosophy and with access to the greatest experts and thought leaders of our time, Tom is uniquely positioned to help executives find clarity and put in place an actionable plan that will result in the achievement of their goals when implemented.

David Wright

David Wright is Head Coach at Ziglar, Inc., and has been coaching for over 20 years working with entrepreneurs, business owners, executives and organizations. His experience in product development, project management, team building, and training have equipped him with the skills necessary to help executives bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be. David believes we all have the capacity to be and become more, and what sets him apart is his ability to see the potential in others and help them draw out the more capable person within, so they are empowered to achieve their goals personally and professionally.

The Ziglar Executive Coaching System – initial six-month engagement

Full day strategy planning session

The engagement begins with a full day meeting at Ziglar Headquarters where a game plan is created based on where you are today and your priorities going forward. Tom and David will walk you through a process that includes personality assessments and team profile assessments. The goal is to identify your strengths, how you work best with others, and the best way we can create an effective strategy for you to achieve your goals. At the end of the day, a 45-minute recap session is recorded with feedback from you, Tom, and David. This session is then sent to you in an audio file with transcription. Clear objectives are identified before you leave Ziglar Headquarters, and goals are established for you to complete before our next meeting via GoToMeeting.

Coaching Session Frequency

12 sessions approximately every two weeks over a six-month time frame

Approximately every two weeks a *60-minute executive coaching session is held with you, Tom, and David. This is on the GoToMeeting platform and the session will be recorded and transcribed and sent to you when completed. Each session follows a specific coaching process and will focus on your primary objectives. Each session will cover what was accomplished based on the previous session’s commitment, current objectives and challenges, and strategies to implement and goals to complete before the next session.

*We schedule 90 mins for every GoToMeeting session, but our goal is a 60-minute session.

Email, text, and unscheduled calls

Our goal is to provide you comprehensive support. Because of this, you can text or email both Tom and David at any time. This is part of the program. We also anticipate that from time to time an unscheduled call will need to take place, based on a pressing need that you will have. We will accommodate this request as our schedules allow. If the number of unscheduled calls becomes excessive, we will discuss with you increasing the number of scheduled calls.