Move Forward

I’m here to help you achieve your goals


Conia K. Wright

Ziglar Legacy Certified Trainer

Conia K. Wright

Moving YOU from Mundane
to Magnificent!

From for-profit business ownership to non-profit management, Conia's 20+ years of experience serve to make her a versatile speaker who can cater her message to a variety of audiences. Humor and empathy entwined with practical strategies and tools make her a highly effective communicator.

Born in Jackson, Mississippi, Conia embraces all things Southern and still considers it home. She lives in Plano, Texas with her wonderful husband, David and three gorgeous daughters who illuminate her life and two dogs she insists irritate her, but whom she secretly spoils.

In the words of my mother - "Learn from my mistakes, you don't have time to make them all yourself!"


  • Life Coaching
  • Workplace Efficiency
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Diversified Management Strategies
  • Alternative Problem Solving
  • Strategic Innovation
  • Staff Motivation