Show #415: Quit praying and start listening – Bob Beaudine

Show #415: Quit praying and start listening – Bob Beaudine

Bob Beaudine says this is THE secret that changes everything. We ask…how. Really. How? In real life, how do you tangibly ask God and hear anything specific? It sounds great, but in reality seems about as realistically tangible as levitating. I guarantee listening to this show will be a revelation to this concept.

Hi, everyone, this is Kevin, and this is Ziglar’s True Performance Show, episode 415. Today we are bringing you a repeat guest, Bob Beaudine. We had him in show #324 June 26, 2015, which has now been downloaded by 53,539 people. Today we have him back to discuss a message that Tom Ziglar says has changed his life. And now, after digesting the message myself, I’d say there is no message I needed more. It’s covered in Bob’s new book, 2 Chairs – The Secret That Changes Everything. As with most “secrets,” it’s not so much a secret as a truth that is not commonly understood and followed.

The point of the book and message is this:

“The goal is to get ourselves to where we can find the peace, joy, insight, wisdom, power, and favor we’ll need to bring back HOPE to the situation.”

Bob Beaudine is the President and CEO of Eastman & Beaudine, and recognized as the top sports entertainment search executive in the U.S. Sports Illustrated named Bob “The most influential man in sports you've never heard of." As CEO of Eastman & Beaudine, Bob manages the nation's leading executive recruiting firm in sports and entertainment.

Beaudine also serves as a member of the SMU Cox School of Business Associate Board. Bob and his wife, Cheryl, have been married thirty-two years and have three grown daughters. They live in Plano, TX.

Folks, we have a big audience here. This show has had 29 million downloads. We have listeners from around the globe; 72% are in America. And we have people of all ages, all walks of life, and of all types of beliefs and faiths. They are ALL here because they desire to inspire and achieve their true performance. And they trust the message and name of Ziglar.

I say all this to preface today’s show. There is no way we can bring topics into every show that are relevant for 100% of our listeners. As my wife is fond of saying in regards to not discounting something that may have value for you, “Eat the fish and spit out the bones.” Or, in other words, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

The message is entirely faith-based. Which for me…I can eat and digest entirely. But for those of you who do not share a faith in the same way you’ll hear in today’s message, I’d ask you to give it a chance.

So, about the book and Bob. The back cover of his book shares this:

At one time or another we will all have troubles. Life will be crazy, painful, messy and suddenly tragic. Oftentimes we don’t cause it, sometimes we do. Regardless of how it arrives, it is essential to be prepared. 2 Chairs asks three vital questions:

  1. Does God know your situation?
  2. Is it too hard for Him to handle?
  3. Does He have a good plan for you?

Following those questions, Bob offers seven practical steps in times of trouble. Readers will be equipped to walk courageously, faithfully, and cheerfully to the other side of their crisis.

Last thing before I bring you Bob Beaudine and Tom Ziglar…we’ve had some deep, powerful shows lately with some amazing guests. If you were positively affected in any way, would you bless those guests by posting a positive review about their show in iTunes and Stitcher? They often ask if we got good feedback, and that’s the place to give it.

Bob, you have a long history with Ziglar, but this is the second time on this show. Thank you for being with us again!

>>Hear Bob Beaudine on the show

So, as a guy whose life is so much in and around sports, what is your favorite sports moment you’ve seen in the past 30 days?

>>Listen to Bob’s response on the program

So, this book and the message of 2 Chairs, what was the catalyst for bringing it to the world…now?

>>Listen to the show

We’re going to break down some of what you just covered, but I want to back up to a 10,000-foot view…

Our True Performance audience is large and diverse. For the most part, they are all a faith-based group, but not all in regards to the evangelical God you reference. For those who are not, does this book and message hold any value for them?

>>Hear Bob’s and Tom’s comments on the program

Bob, the ultimate goal you give for the message and book you say is “to get ourselves to where we can find the peace, joy, insight, wisdom, power, and favor we’ll need to bring back HOPE to the situation.”

It’s interesting that your purpose for finding peace, joy, insight, wisdom, power, and favor is to bring HOPE to a challenging situation, instead of rallying all the power for a mere solution. So, are you outlining a pathway of problem-to-solution as requiring hope as the connecting bridge?

>>Hear Bob’s response on the show

So let’s start with the big question of belief. The tagline of the book is “The secret that changes everything.” And you divulge the secret is…

God wants to spend time with each of us, every morning before we begin the day. He wants to talk to us; be friends. He already knows everything about us, and He wants us to know everything about Him.

I intellectually agree and would say I understand this, but literally believing God will show up, or I will actually be able to hear Him with any clarity, is another. Which steers us to the engagement here battling for many, a crisis of faith.

What can you offer us in regards to this challenging reality?

>>Hear Bob’s responses on the show

You aren’t shy about stating you think this IS the most important message.
On one hand, I tire of so many people thinking their message is THE message for everyone. On the other hand, I appreciate people taking a stance for something valuable instead of being complacent and “vanilla,” and offering…nothing. On the third hand…can we do that?…you are talking about sitting and seeking and listening to…GOD. How can that NOT be the most important message?!

However, we are in a microwave world where we are not prone to do the deep work. What is your main strategy for getting people to embrace this which is so simple, yet, like Zig’s self-talk cards, is so difficult for people to actually take action on?

>>Listen to Bob Beaudine on the show

We hear much, of course, about prayer. Pray to the Father, pray, pray, pray. You don’t counter this, but you seem to put as much or maybe more impetus on…listening. But I want to get specific. Not that there is a strategy for listening to and hearing from God, but if I just stop and be quiet, not proactively praying, what I hear is my thoughts running amok. Or I might be tempted to fall off to sleep. We’re almost talking an active meditation strategy. With the 2 Chairs focus, do you have any methodology that helps?

>>Hear Bob’s responses on the show

OK, all this focus on seeking, communing, and communicating with God, and you also talk about accessing God through His people…friends. You cite the Scripture, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed.” I know many people hear this, but feel somewhat impotent to acquire friends that really provide counsel. Over the last 23 years since being married, we have had consistent friend groups, but I don’t know that they ever just…happened. It was always from a proactive process of asking and inviting. And, truthfully, I’m a homebody who likes being alone. Social engagements aren’t my nature. But…I know the value of relationships, friends, counsel, wisdom. There have been times I’ve gotten irritated at feeling I was the one to instigate guys’ groups and couples’ groups. But the fruit of it is…invaluable.

What counsel can you give to those who feel isolated and at a lack for going after and developing the kind of friendships and relationships needed to provide the support they need?

>>Hear Bob Beaudine’s advice on the program

On this note, in the aspect of attracting others, you say,
“All people carry with them their own, unique ‘presence’ that is invisibly transmitted to everyone around them. When you walk into a room, you want to make sure you bring your best, most positively-charged attitude.”

This resonated in more than one way with me, Bob. I was once told in marriage counseling that everything I brought with me, I brought into my marriage, into my marriage bed…everything. I’m aware now, with nine kids and a grandchild, that all of what I am is exposed to them.

But this perspective of just walking into a room…whether when I come into my office, into the DMV, into a store, into anywhere…I bring my presence that others are affected by. We all know it’s true. I’m not talking about anything supernatural or hoodoo-voodoo or scientific or spiritual. I believe there is much in regards to all that, but right now I just want everyone to think about people they know. Family, coworkers, bosses, managers, employees, and even strangers that come into wherever you may be, the grocery, the coffee shop…what energy, attitude, presence…do they bring you? Does it affect you? Of course it does.

So Bob, talk to us about what you wrote here. What do we need to realize in regard to…what we bring? Anywhere and everywhere we go?

>>Hear Bob’s comments on the show

You cite an oft-stated comment you receive, “I believe God has a good plan for me, I just don’t know what it is.” And your response is, “Of course you don’t, that’s why you need 2 Chairs!”

I just dwelt on this. I think all Christians would say they believe God has a plan for them. And many non-Christians would say they believe in an individual destiny of some sort. But then, yes, many would say with just as much truth, “I just don’t know what it is.” I’ve been in groups where this has been stated and everyone nods in agreement and seems to just accept this as a cultural norm. Even in the church foyer.

It feels here like you’re saying, “This is not OK! You must do the work to understand the plan!” I know this is a big question, but help us with some understanding and perception of how clearly, tangibly, and specifically we can possibly comprehend God’s actual plan for our life.

>>Hear Bob’s responses on the show

I’m afraid MY first response is generally, if not always, “Ok, what do I do to solve or overcome…” whatever. So are you saying that, before taking action, there is a necessity and value to understanding the why behind the issue?

>>Listen to Bob Beaudine’s comments on the program

Last question - “God having a plan that is better than ours.” In my work in the health and wellness industry, the nutrition plan I would give people would have them not ingesting some of the foods they most love and eating other foods that give more life. It’s not terrible, like taking away their donut and replacing it with a raw carrot. But taking away the donut and replacing it with steel cut oats, minimal sweetener, some fruit. You can make it taste good and be healthful, not harmful. But I’m not going to lie and say my oatmeal actually tastes as good with my coffee as a cream-filled donut would.

All that to say, when the statement is made that God has a plan for our lives that is better than our own plan…what can come to mind is a devout, righteous life of service and not having much fun.

Your thoughts?

>>Listen to Bob’s comments on the show

So let’s hit on a seemingly elementary issue that is…a big deal. You say in the book, “Even though He knows it all, He still wants you to share the worries, pain, hurt, shame, whatever is going on with you.”

It is…illogical. He is omniscient. Telling Him what He already knows… I understand the concept, Bob. But, again, just as it is SO uncomfortable to stand in front of the mirror and speak out loud positive things to and about yourself with Zig’s self-talk cards…to sit and speak things to God who already knows…feels …ridiculous. Flesh this out for us?

>>Hear Bob’s comments on the show

On page 84 you tell the story about a guy you were golfing with who you helped make one small change that resulted in him hitting the ball another 100 yards further. You take the analogy to share that God will often suggest a few small changes that can make all the difference, not necessarily big, crazy, impossible ones. So that subtle idea about a specific issue you are grappling with…is often the point?

>>Listen to the show

So, in the same spirit, not that we have an effect on God with the spirit and attitude we bring when we sit down with Him, but…what about it?

>>Listen to the show